Susan Donley presents a really fascinating chart of drawing development in children at her Learning Design site. Betty Edwards (author of The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain) and Viktor Lowenfeld (author Creative and Mental Growth) chronicle the developmental abilities at children at various age levels (although your experience may vary).
If you're a fan of Daniel Pink and his book A Whole New Mind, both names should ring a bell. If you haven't read that title yet, I highly recommend you pick it up. (I've also done a workshop on teaching ideas from that book).
Parallels can be drawn to children's stages of cognition which roughly correspond with these same ages. When we ask in frustration, "What were they thinking?" this site kind of answers that.
How to Give an IGNITE Talk
Most of us have heard of the inspirational TED Talks.
Slightly less well-known are the Ignite Talks, which allow speakers only
five minutes, with accompany...
6 years ago
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